Epikaizo Television, also known as E.tv, is a gospel channel that operates under the umbrella of Epikaizo Ministries International. The founder of Epikaizo Ministries International is Snr Prophet TJ Collins.

E.tv focuses primarily on spreading the message of the Christian gospel through various forms of media. It aims to provide uplifting and inspirational content to its viewers, centered around faith, spirituality, and personal growth.

The channel strives to offer a diverse range of programming to cater to the spiritual needs of its audience. This includes preaching and teaching sermons, worship services, music videos, talk shows, documentaries, and other relevant content related to Christianity and the Bible.

E.tv seeks to create an atmosphere where individuals can connect with God, find encouragement, and deepen their understanding of their faith. It aims to promote positive values and biblical teachings, while also inspiring viewers to lead meaningful and purposeful lives.

Through the broadcasting of E.tv, Epikaizo Ministries International hopes to reach a global audience, sharing the message of God's love, salvation, and the transformative power of faith.



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