30th November, 2023, 4:58 AM


1 Corinthians 15:36 (KJV) «Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:»

Notice by measuring the results of seed faith, it seems a lot of Christians still find it hard to grasp. When it comes to sowing and reaping or seeding and harvesting, we do not see much impactful performance. The problem is that a lot of Christians want to sow today and harvest 24 hours later. They do not understand, and neither are they willing to understand that the seed sown must first die, then germination takes place, and with time, the harvest comes in 30/60/100 folds! 

If you want instant harvest, it is like refusing for your seed to die. Jesus said that unless a grain of seed falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone. Whether at the time of sowing the seed, it fell straight, sideways, head up or head down, that is irrelevant, the main things are it fell on good soil and that it dies. Do not worry much about the process of germination, leave that with the seed, soil, and God. As you follow the principle correctly, your harvest will surprise you, and your destiny will change forever. 


I am a Sower in God’s kingdom, my harvest is sure, my expectation shall be met, I shall never be denied my bountiful harvest as my seeds sown have died. I am going to reap lavishly and praise The Name of God almighty. Hallelujah!

John 12:24


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